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Morbi The NEW rigmate EXTENSION

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros. Nullam malesuada erat ut turpis. Suspendisse urna nibh, viverra non, semper suscipit, posuere a, pede.

The brand NEW Rigmate extension fits directly onto any of the Rigmate Pro models already on the market, and can be fitted in minutes.

It matches up perfectly with the ruler on the rigmate, or the ruler on the Rigmate Strip so the measurements are exact to tie those perfect identical rigs. 

Incidunt et vero consequatur laboriosam asperiores tenetur nihil saepe

The Extension gives you more room for manouevre, and is suited to tying rigs where you need to shot placed higher up the line.

For example, rigs with bigger floats where they take up too much room on the rigboard for the shots to be placed below. Or, strung out pole rigs/stick float rigs, where you want the shots placed higher up the line.

Its just the perfect handy tool to give you more room to play with.  

When using the Extension there is no need to release the line from the clamp to test the floats in a shotting tube so less tangles and makes rig tying much quicker. 

All you need to do;

1. Release the line from the pin at the end opposite to the Extension, and from around the pin at the Extension end.

2. Get your slack rig as it is now not tight, and test it in a shotting tube its as simple as that!

3. If you need to adjust your rig and add more shot wrap your rig around the Extension end pin and then the pin at the bottom. 

4. When your rig is set perfect, undo it from around the pins. Loosen the clamp holding the line and place onto your winder.  

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The Extension, can be left on the Rigmate when not in use or in transport, as it folds away next to the Rigmate Pro board. 

When you do tie those shorter rigs the Rigmate Pro can be used as normal. When you want to tie a longer rig or need more line just fold the Extension out. 

Its as simple as that!

Widunt et vero consequatur laboriosam asperiores tenetur nihil saepe